Jumapili, 22 Novemba 2015

5 Ways to Make Every Day Powerful Life

There’s no hope for this. There’s NO way this is going to happen! I’ve tried everything… and nothing is working. Forget it, I give up. Ever been there?  Have you ever felt like all you are doing is running forward blindly, barreling into an unseen wall and bouncing off?  You get up, shake off the hurt and run forward again only to hit the same wall once more. Amazingly, this can go on and on as there seems to be some deep seeded belief that this is just how life is. That you just have to suck it up and power through it.

But it sure gets tiring and painful, bloodying yourself on that wall, doesn’t it? Eventually there becomes an overwhelming desire to just sit down and rest for a bit. To lick your wounds, to maybe just “think” for a while about the situation that has become so HOPELESS. And right there is where so many dreams die, where so many good ideas go unrealized. Because most never get back up again. They are totally unaware of just how close they are to the success they are seeking.

Take heart, you aren’t alone in this challenge of hitting that sneaky wall. but, it is up to you what happens next; the death of your dream or coming up with another path around the wall instead. The key here is that feeling of hopelessness you’ve developed. It has to go! You MUST have hope in the future for success to be realized.

“When there is no hope in the future, there is no power in the present.” –John C. Maxwell

But how do you have hope when the walls seem so high, your physical and mental efforts are taxed and your nose and knees are bloody?  Maxwell has actually given you the formula, but you have to look closely. Read it from the end to the beginning instead.

So, let’s look at five ways you can put power into your present and birth hope for your future:1. Associate with the right people

Surround yourself with those who have already climbed that wall. Surrender your ways of blindly running and instead follow the path these mentors will gladly map out for you. Additionally, take inventory of everyone you currently spend time with.  Separate from those with negative attitudes or that aren’t supportive of your goals. The harsh reality of this is that these people may very well be the ones that are closest to you.

2. Create and stick to a morning ritual

Begin each day with time dedicated only to you. Fill it with a combination of exercise, prayer, meditation, affirmations and goal review.  Cultivating the habit of starting with accomplishments rather than setting out immediately on the run develops a tone of expectation and focus for the day ahead.  The amount of time you spend is much less important than simply following through on the commitment each day.

3. Carefully choose and limit the media you consume

These days you are bombarded with information from every direction; TV, radio, email, social media and more.  It is simply more than your mind can cope with. The resulting “infoxication” overwhelms your cognitive processing ability thereby decreasing your capability to think and act clearly. The more you limit your exposure to this information glut, the more mental energy and focus you will have for handling things that matter to you most right now.

4. Read good books

The knowledge of the world is literally right at your fingertips. Many of the greatest minds, past and present, have written books about their lives and crafts. Read daily and your mind will be filled with the wisdom, encouragement and guidance of the ages.  Further, a book can serve as a faithful mentor when you are unable to connect with one face to face.

5. Lighten up on yourself

Realize that most of the daily struggles you have are not near as serious as you make them out to be.  They really are just the hassles, challenges and hardships that make up life’s experience, not disasters of the worst sort. You must take time everyday to laugh, especially at yourself and the crazy, messed-up stuff that you do. Realize that being human means you are fallible and that is normal. Don’t take yourself or your day so seriously.

“When we make our present powerful, there becomes a rising glimmer of hope for the future.” – Tom Ziglar

Article written by Doug Sullivan.

Ijumaa, 20 Novemba 2015

Turmeric -Reasons to Use it Daily

Turmeric is a herbaceous herb (also known as
Curcuma longa) that is a member of the ginger family,
which has been used throughout India and the Orient
for thousands of years. Historical records note that
ancient Polynesians took turmeric with them when
they sailed across the Pacific Ocean to Hawaii where
the spice is still used today and known as ’olena.
In India, this golden spice has long been called “holy
powder,” and is used extensively to treat infections,
wounds and a myriad of other health problems. Its
healing power was once thought of as only a folktale;
however, modern research is now confirming what the
people of India and many parts of Asia have known for
thousands of years — turmeric is a spice you don’t
want to pass up.
Scientists are finding an astonishing array of
antioxidant, anticancer, antiviral, antibiotic, antifungal
and antibacterial properties. As an immune system
booster, turmeric is 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamin
C and E.
Studies show that curcumin, the principal curcuminoid
of turmeric, inserts itself into cell membranes where it
does a little house-cleaning and reorganizing, adding
vibrancy to the cell itself. Suddenly a disorganized cell
becomes organized, allowing information to flow
through it so it can function more effectively. The
result of this action increases the cell’s resistance to
infection and malignancy, which can keep a number of
serious conditions at bay, including the following:

Crohn’s disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
Inflammatory bowel disease
Cases of the four most common cancers found in
America are very low in India where turmeric is a food
staple. These cancers include colon, breast, prostate
and lung, occurring ten times less frequently in India
than in the U.S. Prostate cancer, which is the most
commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the United
States, is hardly ever found in Indian men.
Studies that have examined the medicinal impact of
curcumin have found that it keeps cells from changing
from normal to cancerous and stops the spread of
existing cancerous cells.
Furthermore, it works in conjunction with the body to
destroy existing cancer cells so they are unable to
spread to the rest of the body. Liver function is
enhanced in those that use curcumin regularly, and it
appears to prevent additional blood from reaching
cancer cells, which retards their growth.
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,
reports that curcumin blocks the pathway in the body
that is required for melanoma and other cancers to
develop. In a laboratory setting, curcumin actually
causes cancer cells to commit suicide. In addition, it
has been found to shut down the protein needed to
induce an inflammatory response.
Inflammation (turmeric reduces pain and swelling)
Curcumin is probably best known for its strong anti-
inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a normal and
beneficial process that occurs when white blood cells
and chemicals in the body join up to protect you from
foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses. So, some
level of inflammation is good and required for health.
However, the inflammatory response often gets out of
This happens when the immune system triggers an
inflammatory response without a real threat. This can
easily cause excess inflammation to stay in the body; a
condition that is linked to allergies, heart disease,
autoimmune disease, cancer (discussed above) and
other serious medical conditions. Excess inflammation
can also cause irritation to tissues, which translates
into the pain, swelling and redness so often seen in
people suffering from osteoarthritis.
According to one study, patients who suffered from
osteoarthritis who added 200 mg of curcumin daily to
their treatment plan, had a significant decrease in pain
and much improved mobility. The control group, who
received no curcumin, had no improvements.
In another study, turmeric extract blocked the
inflammation pathways which prevented the protein
responsible for swelling and pain from triggering.
So many people with inflammation-induced pain take
non-steroidal medications such as Tylenol for relief,
however, chronic use of these medications has been
associated with some rather serious side effects, such
as cardiovascular problems, kidney and liver damage as
well as gastrointestinal problems.
More benefits of turmeric
Besides those I have mentioned above, turmeric has so
many other benefits it is often referred to as the most
powerful spice on the planet. Here is just a glimpse at
what it can do:
Powerful antiseptic
Natural liver detoxifier
Slows the progression of Alzheimer’s
Supports eye health
Supports female reproductive health
Cleanses the skin
Helps with sugar digestion
Slows the progression of multiple sclerosis
Assists in fat metabolism
Purifies blood
Fights depression
Reduces the ill effects of chemotherapy
Protects against radiation
Eliminates parasites
Promotes healthy digestion
Thins gut mucus
Protects against heavy metal toxicity
Aids in wound healing
Fights yeast
Promotes healthy circulation
Restores damaged skin
Relieves pain from leech bites
Fights infection
Protects from free radicals
Supports healthy bones, ligaments, joints and
skeletal system
Boosts the immune system
Protection from food poisoning
Fights aging
Not just alternative
Even mainstream health circles recognize the power of
turmeric. Web MD cites that the herb is useful for the
following conditions:
Stomach pain
Kidney problems
Intestinal gas
Gum inflammation
Upset stomach
Loss of appetite
Hardening of the arteries
Menstrual problems
Swimmer’s ear
Childhood leukemia
Bad cholesterol
Other amazing uses
I have personally used turmeric for a number of
things, including as a natural dye for Easter eggs, t-
shirts and play dough. When combined with aloe vera,
it can help to ease the pain and itch caused by poison
ivy, bug bites and chicken pox.
I love to make a super delicious dip for veggies using
organic yogurt, turmeric, dried onion, and salt and
pepper. I have also combined turmeric with raw honey
for an amazing facial exfoliator paste. Living out in the
west and loving my sandals like I do, my feet take a
beating. To relieve dry and cracked heels, I mix
coconut oil and turmeric and let it sit on my feet for
about 15 minutes before having a shower.
Here are some more ways you might consider using
this highly versatile and potent spice:
As a tea to ease sleep problems
As a facial wash to even out skin tone
As a natural skin bronzer
As a scalp conditioner
As a hangover reliever
As a stress reliever
As a natural foundation
As a weight-loss tonic
As a healthy addition to homemade soap
As a homemade toothpaste
As a dark circle reducer
As a hair thinning agent
As a healthy addition to any smoothie, soup, stew,
vegetable or fruit dish, and even baked goods.

Arthor- Susan Patterson

Jumapili, 8 Novemba 2015

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People

When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete,
everybody will respect you."
Lao Tzu


One destructive habit is to constantly compare your life and yourself to other
people and their lives. 

You compare cars, houses, jobs, shoes, money, relationships, social popularity
and so on. 

And at the end of the day you create a lot of negative feelings within. And perhaps
also outside of yourself.

But how can you stop doing it? Or at least get control of it and use it in a better

way? Well, here are five tips that have helped me.

1. Be kind.

The way you behave and think towards others seems to have a big, big effect on
how you behave towards yourself and think about yourself. 

Judge people more and you tend to judge yourself more. Be more kind to other
people and help them and you tend to be more kind and helpful to yourself.

A bit counter intuitive perhaps, but that has been my experience. The more you
love other people, the more your love yourself.

So focus your mind on helping people and being kind. This is very helpful to move
away from judging yourself and others so much. And instead focus on the positive
things in yourself and the people around you. 

You become more OK with yourself and the people in your world instead of
ranking them and yourself and creating differences in your mind.

You are OK and so are they.

2. Don't fall into the trap of hero worship.

When you start to make myths out of people - even though they may have
produced extraordinary results - you run the risk of becoming disconnected from


You can start to feel like you could never achieve similar things that they did
because they are so very different. So it's important to keep in mind that everyone
is just a human being no matter who they are.

When you have some heroes you are likely to think more about the opposite too.
And place people into neat and tidy folders. You may create villain-like images of
people in your world.

But in truth, things can be kinda messy. Putting someone on a pedestal or making
a villain out of them create barriers in your head and life. It may give you a sense
of being right. But it can hold you back from positive experiences too.

Openness is in the long run more fun than being judgmental.

3. Just realize that you can't win.

Just consciously realizing this can be helpful. No matter what you do you can
pretty much always find someone else in the world that has more than you or are

better than you at something. 

Yes, you may feel good for a while when you get a nicer car than you neighbor. But
a week or two later you'll see someone from the next block with an even finer car
than yours.

4. Give up both sides of comparing.

If you can't stop doing the negative comparisons then stop doing them both.

Because if you're in the headspace where you compare to feel better about
yourself then it's hard to stop it and not also start to compare in way that make
you feel worse and inferior. 

So you may need to step out of that whole comparing habit because the two sides
are often connected. Give up the upside to be able to move away from the

5. Compare yourself to yourself.

Instead of comparing yourself to other people create the habit of comparing
yourself to yourself. See how much you have grown, what you have achieved and
what progress you have made towards your goals.

This habit has the benefit of creating gratitude, appreciation and kindness
towards yourself as you observe how far you have come, the obstacles you have
overcome and the good stuff you have done. You feel good about yourself without
having to think less of other people.

Have a great and self-kind day!

Henrik (positivityblog.com)

Jumamosi, 1 Agosti 2015

Inspirational Life Quotes That Will Change Your Life

Quotes are those little reminders that we all need now and then and some are powerful enough to inspire us .

So here is the beautiful collection of Inspirational life quotes that are loved and highly shared throughout

“Just know, when you truly want success, you’ll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get.” – Unknown

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown

“I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.” – Unknown

“Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine

“Its hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know its everything you want.” – Unknown

“One of the most important keys to Success is having the discipline to do what you know you should do, even when you dont feel like doing it.” – Unknown

“Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their ass and do anything to make it happen.” – Unknown

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace & gratitude.” – Denis Waitley

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” – Bill Cosby

“Go where you are celebrated – not tolerated. If they can’t see the real value of you, it’s time for a new start.” – Unknown

Dont be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone.. – Andy Biersack

“The best revenge is massive success.” – Frank Sinatra

“Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will.” – Unknown

“I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. Its because of them I’m doing it myself.” – Albert Einstein

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” – Steve Jobs

“Life is short, live it. Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish it.” – Unknown

“When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive!” – Unknown

“Life is like photography. You need the negatives to develop.” – Unknown

“Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.” – Jack Canfield

“The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow. For every challenge encountered there is opportunity for growth.” – Unknown

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Farrah Gray

“The only thing that stands between you and your dream is the will to try and the belief that it is actually possible.” – Joel Brown

“Self confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. how can anyone see how awesome you are if you can’t see it yourself?” – Unknown

“We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives.. Some lessons are painful, some are painless.. but, all are priceless.” – Unknown

“Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. it means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.” – Unknown

“Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat, lazy, or stupid. Those things are what happen when you don’t have a plan.” – Larry Winget

“Three things you cannot recover in life: the WORD after it’s said, the MOMENT after it’s missed and the TIME after it’s gone. Be Careful!” – Unknown

“Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” – Carl Bard

“When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, believe me, it has nothing new to say.” – Unknown

“Rule #1 of life. Do what makes YOU happy.” – Unknown

“Walk away from anything or anyone who takes away from your joy. Life is too short to put up with fools.” – Unknown

“Love what you have. Need what you want. Accept what you receive. Give what you can. Always remember, what goes around, comes around…” –Unknwon

“Just remember there is someone out there that is more than happy with less than what you have.” –Unknown

“The biggest failure you can have in life is making the mistake of never trying at all.” – Unknown

“Life has two rules: #1 Never quit #2 Always remember rule # 1.” – Unknown

“No one is going to hand me success. I must go out & get it myself. That’s why I’m here. To dominate. To conquer. Both the world, and myself.” – Unknown

We hope you enjoyed these inspirational life quotes today. Please don’t forget to share these with your friends, family and followers to brighten their day and inspire them to live a better life.

Jumapili, 26 Julai 2015

Seven Qualities of a Good Leader

How often have you heard the comment, “He or she is a born leader?” There are certain characteristics found in some people that seem to naturally put them in a position where they’re looked up to as a leader.

Whether in fact a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders. These qualities can be developed or may be naturally part of their personality. Let us explore them further.

Seven Personal Qualities Found In A Good Leader:

1. A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader “walks the talk” and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

2. A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause. Although the responsibilities and roles of a leader may be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. This kind of leader will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirty.

3. A good leader is confident. In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear confident as a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys confidence towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members.

4. A leader also needs to function in an orderly and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty. People look to the leader during times of uncertainty and unfamiliarity and find reassurance and security when the leader portrays confidence and a positive demeanor.

5. Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a cool head.

6. A good leader as well as keeping the main goal in focus is able to think analytically. Not only does a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to break it down into sub parts for closer inspection. Not only is the goal in view but a good leader can break it down into manageable steps and make progress towards it.

7. A good leader is committed to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

These seven personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership. Some characteristics may be more naturally present in the personality of a leader. However, each of these characteristics can also be developed and strengthened. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.

By Barbara White

Ijumaa, 24 Julai 2015

9 Habits of Profoundly Influential People

Influential people have a profound impact on everyone they encounter. Yet, they achieve this only because they exert so much influence inside, on themselves.

We see only their outside.

We see them innovate, speak their mind, and propel themselves forward toward bigger and better things.

And, yet, we’re missing the best part.

The confidence and wherewithal that make their influence possible are earned. It’s a labor of love that influential people pursue behind the scenes, every single day.

And while what people are influenced by changes with the season, the unique habits of influential people remain constant. Their focused pursuit of excellence is driven by nine habits that you can emulate and absorb until your influence expands:

1. They think for themselves

Influential people aren’t buffeted by the latest trend or by public opinion. They form their opinions carefully, based on the facts. They’re more than willing to change their mind when the facts support it, but they aren’t influenced by what other people think, only by what theyknow.

2. They are graciously disruptive

Influential people are never satisfied with the status quo. They’re the ones who constantly ask, “What if?” and “Why not?” They’re not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom, and they don’t disrupt things for the sake of being disruptive; they do it to make things better.

3. They inspire conversation

When influential people speak, conversations spread like ripples in a pond. And those ripples are multidirectional; influencers inspireeveryone around them to explore new ideas and think differently about their work.

4. They leverage their networks

Influential people know how to make lasting connections. Not only do they know a lot of people, they get to know their connections’ connections. More importantly, they add value to everyone in their network. They share advice and know how, and they make connections between people who should get to know each other.

5. They focus only on what really matters

Influential people aren’t distracted by trivialities. They’re able to cut through the static and clutter, focus on what matters, and point it out to everyone else. They speak only when they have something important to say, and they never bore people with idle banter.

6. They welcome disagreement

Influential people do not react emotionally and defensively to dissenting opinions—they welcome them. They’re humble enough to know that they don’t know everything and that someone else might see something they missed. And if that person is right, they embrace the idea wholeheartedly because they care more about the end result than being right.

7. They are proactive

Influential people don’t wait for things like new ideas and new technologies to find them; they seek those things out. These early adopters always want to anticipate what’s next. They’re influential because they see what’s coming, and they see what’s coming because they intentionally look for it. Then they spread the word.

8. They respond rather than react

If someone criticizes an influential person for making a mistake, or if someone else makes a critical mistake, influential people don’t react immediately and emotionally. They wait. They think. And then they deliver an appropriate response. Influential people know how important relationships are, and they won’t let an emotional overreaction harm theirs. They also know that emotions are contagious, and overreacting has a negative influence on everyone around them.

9. They believe

Influential people always expect the best. They believe in their own power to achieve their dreams, and they believe others share that same power. They believe that nothing is out of reach, and that belief inspires those around them to stretch for their own goals. They firmly believe that one person can change the world.

Bringing It All Together

To increase your influence, you need to freely share your skills and insights, and you must be passionate in your pursuit of a greater future.

Alhamisi, 23 Julai 2015

Hard Work Pays Off

Achieving Your Dream: How to Take the First Step


Do you have a dream deep in your heart that you want to pursue? If you do, have you taken the first step necessary to achieve it? Taking the first step is perhaps the most difficult thing to do in achieving a dream. There are a lot of mental obstacles that make it difficult to take that first step.

Here are some dont’s to help you solve the mental obstacles:

Don’t wait until the situation is perfect.
You should not wait until the situation is perfect because the situation willnever be perfect. No matter how or when you see it, there will always be something that make you think again.Don’t wait until other people agree with you.
Just like you shouldn’t wait for the situation to be perfect, you shouldn’t wait until everybody agrees with your idea. There will always be opposition, and that is perfectly normal. If you wait until there is a consensus, you will never start.Don’t wait until your skill is good.
We might think that we need to have good skill before we start doing something. But the truth is, you will learn much more by doing than bywaiting. Doing allows you to hone your skill much faster than just learning the theory.

As you can see, the three points above have “don’t wait” in them. So here is the bottom line: the best time to start is now.

I learned this in blogging. When I started my blog, I didn’t have the skill to create good content nor to market it properly. But I started blogging anyway. The first months were really tough. After blogging for four months, I got only ten subscribers. Thankfully, the experience taught me a lot. While there is still a lot of room for improvement, I’m now amazed to see what I’ve learned along the way.

Here are some more things you should do to successfully take the first step:

1. Believe in your dream.

Believing in your dream is essential to get the motivation you need to achieve it. You simply can’t fool your own heart. Deep down inside you know whether or not you can believe in your dream. Is the dream worth pursuing? Is it something that you want to pour your heart into?

2. Visualize your dream.

Can you imagine – in detail – how the world will look like when your dream comes true? Visualizing your dream will energize you because you can then see how the world changes for the better and how people live a happier life because of your dream. The energy and excitement is there for you to feel.

3. Expect a hard way ahead.

While it’s not impossible, achieving your dream is definitely not easy. Don’t expect an easy way; expect a hard one instead. Having the right expectations from the beginning will make the journey much easier for you. That way, you won’t be surprised and lose heart when you encounter obstacles along the way.

4. Take one bite at a time.

Your dream may be big (it should be!) and that might make it seem overwhelming. But, like the saying says, “When eating an elephant take one bite at a time.” So take a small portion of it that you can handle. Think about something that you can do within one week, and then think about what you can do today. It could be as simple as calling a more experienced friend to ask some questions.

There is no doubt that you can eat the elephant. But the key is to take the bitesearly and often.

Jumamosi, 11 Julai 2015

Top 10 World’s Rarest & Most Valuable Gems


Found only in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro, in Northern Tanzania, this blue-purple stone is another highly prized color-shifting gem.

Due to the limited availability, Tanzanite may be mined out within 20-30 years. It will doubtless become even more desirable...and valuable.

Composition: Calcium, Aluminum, Silicon, Hydrogen, Oxygen | Market Value: $600-$1,000 per carat.


Taaffeite (pronounced "tar-fite") is named for Australian gemologist Richard Taaffe, who discovered a cut and polished specimen of the stone in 1945. Only a handful of these precious stones have ever been found, making them a true collector's gem.

Found in range of hues ranging from nearly colorless to lavender, mauve and violet, Taaffeite occurs in Sri Lanka and Tanzania. Other sources may be discovered, but until then, Taaffeite remains one of the rarest and most valuable gems in the world.

Composition: Magnesium, Beryllium, Aluminum, Oxygen | Market Value: $1500-$2500 per carat


The rarest type of Opal, the national gemstone of Australia, Black Opal is also the most valuable gem of its kind. Almost all available Black Opal comes from the Lightning Ridge mine in New South Wales.

The brilliant play of color, or "fire," in these dark gems, along with their relative scarcity, causes them to be worth over $2300 per carat.

Composition: Silicon, Hydrogen, Oxygen | Market Value: $2,355 per carat.


Found near the San Benito River in California, Benitoite is a blue to purple gemstone first discovered in 1907. Under UV lights, it glows a brilliant chalky blue. A few specimens have been found in Arkansas and Japan, but the only commercial mine is in San Benito County, California.

In addition to being the official state gem of California, Benitoite is a coveted collectors' gem, and is also sold in jewelry, though rarely available in sizes of one carat or more.

Composition: Barium, Titanium, Silicon, Oxygen | Market Value: $3000-$4000 per carat.

                              SCARLED EMERALD

Also called Scarlet Emerald or bixbite, Red Beryl has only been found in Utah and New Mexico and the only commercial mine is found in the Wah Wah Mountains of Utah.

Red Beryl has been described as 1,000 times more valuable than gold: cut stones regularly sell for more than $2,000 per carat - and as much as $10,000 per carat.

Composition: Beryllium, Aluminum, Silicon, Oxygen | Market Value: $10,000 per carat.


Named for Tsar Alexander II of Russia, this exceedingly rare gemstone was thought to be mined out after the original deposits, found in 1830 in Russia's Ural Mountains, were nearly exhausted.

Alexandrite is a color-changing gemstone: its hue shifts from red to green depending on the light it's exposed to.

Recent finds in Brazil, East Africa and Sri Lanka have brought this stone back on the market, but it is still one of the world's most coveted stones.

Composition: Beryllium, Aluminum, Oxygen | Market Value: $12,000 per carat.


Jadeite may sound like the various semi-precious stones known informally as "jade," but this incredibly rare gem is many times more valuable. Prized most when it is colored a deep, translucent green, Jadeite is mainly found in limited quantities in Myanmar.

In 1997, Christie's auction house sold a Jadeite necklace for nearly $10 million. The highest quality "Imperial" Jadeite can sell for millions of dollars per carat when cut and polished. Sadly, many traders have passed off color-treated stones as true Jadeite.

Composition: Sodium, Aluminum, Iron, Silicon, Oxygen | Market Value: $20,000 per carat./b]


Another precious stone in the same family as Taaffeite, this stone's color ranges from a brilliant greenish gray to purple. Musgravite was discovered in 1967 in the Musgrave Range of Southern Australia, and for many years there were only eight known specimens.

Recently, small quantities of Musgravite have been located in Greenland, Antarctica, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and Tanzania. Don't let this new "surplus" fool you, though: this incredibly hard stone is still exceedingly rare, fetching $35,000 - or more - per carat.

Composition: Magnesium, Beryllium, Aluminum, Zinc, Iron, Oxygen | Market Value: $35,000 per carat.


In the 1950s, minerologist Arthur C.D. Paine encountered an unusual brownish stone in Myanmar (Burma) that turned out to be one of the planet's rarest gems. For decades, only two cut specimens were known to exist, causing the jewel to be more or less "priceless."

In recent years, a few more crystals have been found. If you're lucky enough to find one on the market, expect to pay $50,000 to $60,000 per carat for this orange- to red-brown gem.

Composition: Calcium, Zirconium, Boron, Aluminum, Oxygen | Market Value: $50,000-$60,000 per carat.


The Pink Star Diamond is a "Fancy Vivid Pink" diamond that was mined in 1999 in South Africa. Weighing in at 59.6 carats, this gem was sold by Sotheby's for a record $83 million: more than any other diamond - or any gem - ever sold.

Composition: Carbon | Market Value: $83,187,381, or about $1,395,761 per carat

Jumapili, 8 Februari 2015

Why Network Marketing Works

How long do you think it would take to become wealthy by working for others, earning an excellent salary, saving diligently and investing wisely?Can self-employment as a conventional business owner or a franchise owner create financial freedom for you?How much would it cost to start a business that could support you nicely several years after your starting date and could provide the lifestyle of your dreams a few years later?Do you know of any business that provides greater success for people when they help others to be successful?

Working for Others

When you work for a traditional business, your efforts may provide you with a nice salary, paid vacations, health insurance and even bonuses to acknowledge your extra efforts. However, the owner and stockholders of the business gain the most from your hard work. Working for others usually means working according to their schedules, complying with a dress code, asking for permission when you take time off, working with people you may not like and having a limit to your earning potential.You can live within your means, save money on a regular basis and make shrewd investments to gradually increase your wealth as you work for others. However, some investments can be risky, and financial institutions guarantee interest rates for only limited terms. Nevertheless, wise planning may help you to acquire enough money for a nice retirement after many years of working for someone else.

Owning a conventional business or franchise

You need to make a significant investment of money and time as well as possess or develop certain skills to be successful as the owner of a conventional business or franchise. In addition, it normally takes years before the business begins showing a profit because of your large initial investment.

Cost of a successful home based business

When you work from home, your expenses related to work can be less than the costs associated with a normal job. You will have no need to buy expensive clothes to maintain your appearance of success. You will not have the cost of commuting to a job or of childcare while you are away from home. You can eat at home more often because you can put dinner in the oven and let it cook as you work. A home based business offers many tax advantages as well. If you work from home and devote a portion of your home to your business, you may be able to deduct part of your utility, maintenance and mortgage expenses from your taxes. When you combine your work with vacations, part of your travel expenses may be deductible as well.When you choose a multilevel-marketing (MLM) distributorship as your home based business, the startup cost is normally very modest. Most MLM companies do not ask you to keep an inventory of products, but you may wish to purchase a few samples. Some MLM companies require you to buy a starter kit of supplies that will help you begin your home based business, but your total cost to start the business is normally minimal.

Helping others succeed

Network marketing is one of only a few businesses that offer the most prosperity to those who help others achieve prosperity. MLM distributors share their business opportunity with others and develop teams called downlines. The distributors teach everyone in their downlines the skills needed to be successful with the business opportunity. Each team member purchases products to use, sells products to others and duplicates the process of building and training teams. The MLM company pays bonuses to distributors based on their sales along with the sales of those in their downlines, and their downlines can continue through multiple levels, with each level growing wider. When distributors train their team members effectively, they profit from the success of each one in their downlines, and the process keeps repeating with each member of their teams. Networkers become wealthy when they teach others how to be wealthy.Author Robert Kiyosaki explains that most people do not make very much money in a network marketing business unless they help enable other people to leave the realm of the employed or self-employed and succeed as business owners or investors. Those who focus on assisting others to become successful will achieve success as well.Robert Kiyosaki also states that traditional business owners focus on creating assets by hiring employees or self-employed people to work for them. However, multilevel marketing business owners create assets by training other business owners to work under them, those people train other business owners to work under them, and the process goes on down many levels.Robert Kiyosaki is a businessman, investor and self-help author best known for writing a series of Rich Dad, Poor Dad motivational books.

Network Marketing REALLY Does Work!

Multilevel marketing works for a number of reasons, and the three main ingredients for success with this business model are residual income, duplication and leveraging of time and money. A multilevel business opportunity makes the most of all three of those important principles.

Residual income

Network marketing provides a business opportunity that allows people with no special skills or previous experience to create lasting streams of residual income without making large initial investments.


The networking business opportunity involves many ordinary people that do a little rather than a few experts doing a lot. The work is simple, easy to teach and easy to learn.

Time and money leveraging

Networking allows people to leverage time and money thereby gaining more of both, because networkers benefit from the efforts of other people as well as from their own efforts. In addition, everyone in the organization has the same opportunity to earn as much as the other members can earn.

Network marketing will always work

According to Robert Kiyosaki, the economy of the world has moved ahead, and multilevel marketing is a major business for the 21st century.There will always be people who want or need extra money.Some people find that supplementing their incomes is necessary to make ends meet. Others want the ability to have some of the nice things they see advertised on a daily basis. People can work from home doing a networking business part time to earn extra money, and if they put more effort into the business, they may make more than they earn from their full-time jobs.There will always be people who do not enjoy their current jobs.Most people do not work for others because they like their jobs but because they need the money they earn from those jobs. Many jobs require employees to work at hours that are inconvenient and create stress for them and their families, and commuting long distances to work is a problem for numerous workers. Those people may enjoy the benefits they receive when they work from home at times that are convenient for them.There will always be people who want to have control of their time.Networkers can start a home based business and work from home part time while maintaining their current lifestyles. After they build a team of other distributors, the networkers can earn enough to quit their full-time jobs, and when they no longer work for bosses, they will be free to set their own schedules. The networkers will have no limits to the amount of money they can earn, especially with the residual income they make.

Jumatano, 28 Januari 2015

Kitenge Laptop/Ipad Bags

Kitenge laptop bag for the  best price in market!

It has sponges inside for comfortable carrying of laptop.

It can  carry 14inch laptop size or even Tabs/Ipads.

It can be hand washed for further details and purchase please contact 0758 811 811.

Jumatano, 21 Januari 2015

The Purpose Of Life-A Short Story!

There once lived a very wise man in a small village. He was the head of the local administration and respected by all for his views and opinions on a varied subjects.People came to him in times of need or just to seek some good advise on the different aspects of life.

But ironically his only son was a lazy lad, who whisked away his time eating, sleeping or enjoying with his friends outside.No amount of advise or even threat made any difference to his attitude.

As the years passed and the wise man grew old he got more and more worried about his sons future and realized he needed to give something to his son to take care of himself and the family, so one day he called his only son and said” My son, you are grown up now, you need to understand life and your responsibilities by yourself now.”Amazed by his fathers sudden anxiety his son said, “Father, you have always been by my side to guide me always, how will i ever manage without you…I will be so lost without you…..” His father drew him close , hugged him and said, ” I want you to find the real purpose of your life and when you find it remember it always and you will lead a life full of happiness and joy.”

The son was greatly amused, what could be this important lesson that could cure all his problems in future, he wondered!The next day, his father gave him a bag. The son was greatly surprised as he opened the bag, as it had 4 pair of clothes one for each season, some raw food, grains, lentils, some money and a map. As he wondered what he was supposed to do with the stock, his father declared….”I want you to go find a treasure”. I have drawn a map of the place where the treasure is hidden, You need to go and find it.”Aha, so this is what father was referring to earlier, the real purpose of my life is to find this treasure that will solve all my problems in future, the son thought to himself, greatly pleased at the idea.

The next day, he set out early on his journey eager to find the mystical treasure. The place described in the map was far far away and he had to cross many rivers, forests, plateaus , and mountains to reach his destination. He prayed he would meet his father , when he returned to show him his findings.He set out on his travel, days , weeks and months passed, as he travelled, he met a lot of people on the way, some helped him with food, some gave him shelter, he also met thief’s and robbers who tried to cheat him and rob him of his belongings.

As he moved through landscapes, Slowly the season changed…fall gave way to winter and spring led to summer.When the weather got harsh, he would pause his journey for some time and again set out moving towards his destination continuously . He wanted to find the treasure before anyone else did .Finally after a long year , he reached the cliff below which his father has told him he would find his life’s treasure. He spotted the tree, his father had described in the map and started looking around it, he searched and searched , but found nothing. He spent two days looking and digging for the treasure around that tree, exhausted he decided to go back on the third day.Tired and devastated by his father’s lie, he headed back home.

On his way back, he experienced the same changing landscapes and seasons. But this time he stopped to wonder the blooming of flowers when the spring came, the birds dancing in the falling rain. He witnessed glorious sunsets and reveled in peaceful summer evenings.He learned to hunt for his own food, sew his own clothes and protect himself from the harsh weather. He learned to calculate the time of the day with the suns position and plan his journey accordingly.

He also learned how to protect himself from wild animals and harmful plants and sherbs.He met the same people who had helped him on his way, this time he stopped and spend some days with them to help them with their chores to show his gratitude. He realized how wonderful they were in their sense of trying to help the passers by on that route without any expectations in return.When he reached home, he realized he had been out of his house for 2 years now. He went straight to his fathers room and was relieved to see him resting. He walked up to him and slowly whispered to him, “father”, careful not to disturb him in his sleep.

The wise man opened his eyes, he got up as he saw his son and embraced him.“So how was your journey my son”,did you find the treasure” he asked. “The journey was fascinating father,” the son quipped “but forgive me father, as i have disappointed you, I could not find any treasure, at the place described in the map.

Maybe somebody took it before i reached.” He was surprised at his own answer that instead of getting angry he was asking for his fathers forgiveness. His father smiled and signaled him to sit down on a chair next to him.“That is because there was no treasure at that place my son” he answered smiling. “But why did you send me to find it then”, he asked. “I will surely tell you why but first you tell me, how was your journey when you were going to find the treasure. Did you enjoyed the varying landscapes, experienced living in the out on your own amidst new people and changing seasons , did you made good friends on the way?”

Of course not father, i did not got distracted for a second, I had no time to do all that since I was always focused on reaching my destination as soon as possible before anybody else and find the treasure, I had no time to experience the landscape, the weather or to make any friends. But yes i did all this on my way back. I must admit i really enjoyed my journey back , I learned many new skills and mastered the art of survival, so much so, that i forgot the pain of not finding the treasure.”

His father held his hand and said “Exactly my son ,You wanted to know how to lead life and find your goals…but if you lead your life going after a goal on this journey called life , you miss out the real treasures on the way because you are so focused on finding the goal.

When the truth is that life has no goal at all, other than to just live it and grow with it each day.”

Moral:It is when we set out in life without trying to associate any meaning or greater purpose to it that we find the treasure of true joy in each moment.“To be what you were born to be and to explore your full potential each day is life’s only goal”.

Jumapili, 18 Januari 2015

Feel Fabulous with Forever Fab!

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